Monday, August 29, 2011

Born to Fall.

During the infancy stages of humans, we are fragile, helpless, and above all prone to fall due to gravity. However, gravity is not the only thing that's pulling us down, rather dragging, but also the people that individuals choose to allow in their presence. Humans, since the beginning stages of communal development, have been pushed and forced in all directions of this tiny spherical-point in the universe that's known to us as "the Earth." When we are "pushed," we instinctively "move" as a result that we are not indefinitely stationary. The outcome is that our civilization thrived, and humans became the most advance living beings on Earth, though it wasn't easy.

Although, we are a species that has known how to survive for thousands of years through pushing forward, there were hurdles, and miles upon miles that stood in our paths. Sound's familiar? Similar to the complexities that challenged our forefathers in an attempt to hinder the roads to this present, their are persons that lurks in our presence looking to latch on to our very existence. It's similar, but this is more like poison because of it's very nature. It eats away at our life, and slowly drowns us in a pool of misfortune. 

We are born to fall, but we were not born to stay that way. Picking ourselves up, in order to move is what we do best.

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