Saturday, January 14, 2012

Goodbye Facebook, hello Google+

I hate Facebook! Enough said.

Or, maybe not...I wish Facebook would just keep it simple. Simplicity was it's initial marketing strategy. I liked it! Now it's slowly becoming the original myspace.

I used myspace for about a year before Facebook began to dominate. Now, I'm about to start using Google+, however, I need to convince at least 20-25 of my good pals to join me.

Why move to G+? Facebook glitches, ads have come to dominate the entire site (G+ probably will never have this problem ~ via ~ it's Google * the search engine*), there are so many Facebooks being hacked (via ~ tons of spam!), and G+ looks simple. It also offers users the option for multiple video chat --- For FREE. so...can someone say...IDK ~ Freaking SWEET! YES!

Lets all move to G+!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Let's define Occupy. 

It is:

1. to take or fill up (space, time, etc.): I occupied my evenings reading novels.

2. to engage or employ the mind, energy, or attention of:Occupy the children with a game while I prepare dinner.

3. to be a resident or tenant of; dwell in: We occupied the same house for 20 years.

4. to take possession and control of (a place), as by military invasion.

5. to hold (a position, office, etc.).

The year 2011 has demonstrated to every activist in the world that it takes more than just occupying a space to accomplish the goals of an advocate. 

The march for freedom and equality took more than just occupying space, marching through states, a few hundred peaceful protests, and a few thousand demonstrations. It took numbers, it took money, and it took brute force. It took the deaths of hundreds of protesters, the deaths of many leaders and intellects. But, most of all, it took stories and history to make a difference. 

What history is there to be written about the occupy movement of 2011? In my opinion, the movement will fade, and so will the history. The American citizens, the occupiers, these teachers, these parents, these working class citizens, and the students that stood up for what they believed in are all pieces of a puzzle that will never be finished; at least, it wasn't in 2011. And the chances of this puzzle being completed in 2012 are very "slim to none." 

I am an activist, and I have been on the front lines of the movement for a better society. I have lead rallies, and have been the voice of many. I still stand as an individual willing to "fight the good fight." Then why am I less optimistic about this movement that has led to the many demonstrations popping up all over the nation? It's because it has not touched me the way it may have touched other activist. The injuries caused by law enforcement officers to my fellow comrades was not enough to flip the switch in the heads of billions. 

The way that our nation is run, and the way that our society allows for wealthy individuals to make decisions regarding the welfare of American citizens is disgusting. I am ashamed to be an American, but I am even more ashamed to be apart of a system that is considered the apex of an advance society. Yes, I am ashamed to be human. 

How is my DNA 99.9% similar to those who murder the innocent? Or, how can anyone or anything compare me to someone that would destroy for fun, or start a war for necessity? I am an individual, and I am unique. 

I refuse to take orders from species that share my genetic makeup, although, I will not refuse to live among the people. Similar to others, I will see the difference between what is humane and what being completely oblivious is. However, I and a few other advocates, activist, organizers, "humans" are also the only ones that will step up when it's time to change. 

Occupy! this is only a small step in a universal plan to save the world. But the moment the advocate fights back, and I really mean "fight back," then the only thing one can do is occupy. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Fall from Fame: Social Networks

I know that I can make a specific statement and have everyone agree to it... yes I can!!!! :) And I'm going to write it out in bold letters with the color red because I'm just that awesome.

"Social Networks like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and now the coming giant ~ Google+ will soon find out (if G+, and Twitter hasn't already) that in order to keep an already popular social network popular, one needs to simply do nothing more." 

It's true that in reality, we have liberal and progressive parties that protest for change, however, these groups' aims are for improving a situation (whether, social, economical, etc.). Do these social network communities (SNC) demand for change? Yes, but not the same change that's been on the minds of these social network giant's web design teams.

SNC will only demand change in three situations:

1. If the social network has forcibly changed it's webpages, claiming to feed the desires of SNC, but in actuality, no one asked for change. Therefore, the change demanded is for a change back to the original.

2. If new technology (a new interface, useful gadgets, apps, etc.) is presented. In order to stay the top social network, the network system needs to keep up with it's tech.

3. If other networks have better & faster tools for communication, as well as provide simplicity (i.e. people chose Facebook over Myspace). This will happen to Facebook if Google plus keeps it simple, and decides to leave the user's pages and tools alone.

Other than the above three demands, SNC if not 98%-100%, are predominately conservative when it comes to inter-web-communications. So, if the social network providers wants to act as this "totalitarian overseer" for SNC, than we will seek another social network that will meet our desires.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Born to Fall.

During the infancy stages of humans, we are fragile, helpless, and above all prone to fall due to gravity. However, gravity is not the only thing that's pulling us down, rather dragging, but also the people that individuals choose to allow in their presence. Humans, since the beginning stages of communal development, have been pushed and forced in all directions of this tiny spherical-point in the universe that's known to us as "the Earth." When we are "pushed," we instinctively "move" as a result that we are not indefinitely stationary. The outcome is that our civilization thrived, and humans became the most advance living beings on Earth, though it wasn't easy.

Although, we are a species that has known how to survive for thousands of years through pushing forward, there were hurdles, and miles upon miles that stood in our paths. Sound's familiar? Similar to the complexities that challenged our forefathers in an attempt to hinder the roads to this present, their are persons that lurks in our presence looking to latch on to our very existence. It's similar, but this is more like poison because of it's very nature. It eats away at our life, and slowly drowns us in a pool of misfortune. 

We are born to fall, but we were not born to stay that way. Picking ourselves up, in order to move is what we do best.