Sunday, April 24, 2011

Transition of thoughts: I'm no superman

If my monthly salary was based on every time my GF said that she was happy with me doing something, I would (as the slang term goes) be "broke as a mother f*er" - and that's supposedly translates as being really broke. Am I right gentleman, and to the ladies who have experience this with their GF's? I'm willing to bet if my monthly salary was based on every time my GF stated that I caused her agony in any way, I would go around screeming "I'm rich bi*ch!" - I didn't just use that term, did I? I'm aware that I'm not alone on this subject, and according to this guy's little production that I found when I was checking out my GF's latest Facebook feed [thumbs up if you facebook/twitter stalk your significant other, oh and click here to see video], the male character seems to have logically placed his relationship in a chronological sequence that explains the very essence of what typically happens in a "loving relationship." Would I feel comfortable placing my relationship in any of his categories? I think not comfortable at all. It's scary, to know that anytime, at any moment that your connections with people in your life can be severed. The countless amounts of links that we share with individuals are just as fragile as threads that we can only pull on so much before they began to break. To even begin to label where one stands in a relationship with his or her significant other, is the point where one is able to count the threads. And to me, that would be one hell of a scary moment in my life.

She to me is me to her. This of course would describe the beginning and "hopefully" the future of a particular relationship I hold so dear in the depths of my mind. That phrase seems to completely even it out between us, right? But why am I the one writing about it and trying to be fair, maybe because it's the logical thing to do, and it is inevitable for me to not have written about it. It is destiny...what? <-- nope! Anything that seems remotely predetermined in my life, I make it my goal to change that. I would hate to find out that my life runs chronologically without my personal input, anyone would...right? As you all probably noticed by now, I am moving the topic of my blog into something that's a little more less innocent. I'm not attacking the religious coo-coos of the 21st century, it's just that religion has run it's course. It has in the past, alienated people in order to systematically grow into what it is today, either through blood spilled on multiples terrains of the earth, or through brainwashing the youth of this planet. Now this ancient practice of gathering for a common purpose has evolved alongside society as a big thorn, poking it's way into government affairs. It has played and still does play a huge role in the everyday lives of people all over the world, but it has honestly created nuts amongst the human race. Can't we all just praise the "era of technology," and the intelligent minds that are responsible for it's comings or do we have to revert to the idea of a higher being controlling the fate of the human race? I mean, I don't see the point of "extreme conservative" groups causing policy makers to pause the more important agendas like the deficit of this country (U.S.A.), to argue over why, according to the most famous religious figure, gay marriage should be illegal. It's obvious that we should just put all of the "genetically problematic humans" in consetration camps, similar to what hitler (take note of the lower-case 'h')did to the jews, and --- what the F*ck, right? This is what these people (L.G.B.T. haters) should be compared to. "Discrimination needs to end today!" I quote that because I know for a fact it has been said for over a century.

If life was as simple as a timeline written about a relationship between two lovers, then we all would be just another animal in the wild, but when you throw in a word like predetermined, then we suddenly ascend to beings with knowledge beyond the codes of nature (maybe i should put quotes on that statement). If something can be predetermined then there is something/ someone that has control or knowledge greater than what is available to the everyday person. Now, that statement also puts me on the same level as those who are considered religious. So, I am not above anyone my fellow readers. I am only above those who feel that they are beneath me, and that is something I truly discourage. The thought of someone having a greater existence than another pains me to think in this way. However, I fall victim to this everyday when I feel like the gravity on earth would change if I decided to jump off a 20-story building, or that the forces of nature would shift, so that I could survive a head on collision of a traveling at 50 mi/hr car slamming in to my human body.

How do I then tell her that I am no superman in so few words, and that she has to understand that life will go on after one too many arguments (note 3)? The best part about the continuance of life is that: we-do-actually-learn-from-it. In my opinion, I think that if we are going to learn from it, then we can easily take one broken end of the thread, unravel it and tie another knot around the ends of the other broken strings and (not start over) continue on the path that will lead us further into a future.

1. Don't forget to tell me if you put your thumbs up! ... Seriously

2. Spelling hitler's name with the lowercase "h" means that I wish to demean him as much as possible to make it appear that he is so insignificant that his name shouldn't even bare upper-case letters.

3. What is your response to a statement like that?


ARTBOOK said...

Well I have a few words for a guy with a girl friend I think I get what u mean when u say that the good u do in your relationship is out weighing the bad by a million tons but ....that's life u can only handle what u have and right now u have her so ur good. To talk about the gay marriage thing for a lil bit, I my self do not understand it because I'm not one but as a person with a lover I can understand love so who am I to tell someone they cant love or be together ... My beliefs as far as marriage goes shouldn't impact someone else's life because thats my feelings towards it not there's when I see people carrying signs saying (god hates fags) I get offended not only as a person who believes in god but also a person who is sane.... To me they just make the religion seem bad when they do that and I don't believe hating same sex marriage is a christain or religious thing in general I think it's people who use there religion to then carry out how they really fee inside they will say god does not like gays but they won't mention the fact that he says dont judge others..... People bother me with that ....I think that religion should be something personal and if someone else does not want to be a part of it then so be it . Thats how I feel...but as far as putting them on a island together I think they would kill each other personally lol ...hate is there energy to survive .... Oh p.s yes on the thumbs up thing and I think that we should use his abbreviations when we call his name he does not even deserve a full name for the sh$t he has done

Fernandes H. said...

"To me they just make the religion seem bad when they do that and I don't believe hating same sex marriage is a christain or religious thing in general I think it's people who use there religion to then carry out how they really fee inside"

Truly, in my opinion, a powerful statement. I always forget how powerful religion is. And it's the person who uses it that can create a bad image for it. That statement, for some reason has opened a door in my mind for me in many ways just now. Thank you again for your comment.