Sunday, August 14, 2011

Einstein, I Learned A Lesson Today

Today, I learned a valuable lesson in life. And after I learned it, I struggled a little with myself because I wasn't sure if I should share this lesson. Of course, the reason being is that even though thousands upon thousands of lessons are learned each day, there is always another person that will go against the lesson that has been taught to fulfill his/her own curiosity. I wanted to weigh the options of deciding to discuss my lesson learned, and I reached the following conclusions:

Discussing the lesson learned today

1. would be a perfect example for someone quote
2. is an option for a solution
3. would overall be of value to others

Not Discussing the lesson learned today

1. would be no big problem; maybe it's not a universally learned lesson
2. would allow others to make the same mistake, so that they could come up with their own answers
3. would overall be a waste of my time.

And then I decided....That option two was the best. What's the fun in life when one cannot experience it without being pulled in a given direction. What happens when the lessons learned is only an option of discussion, and would never be an option for experience. 

Cutting the old cliche' "red wire" is the option that saves lives, and what if the person to cut the wire decides that saving lives aren't important? Does that make him/her immoral, evil, a human without a heart, or does that just make him/her a person with that decision? 

Anyone could tell you that it's obvious that if a person chooses death for others, than he/she is truly inhuman. But, no one will dare tell you that because we are creatures with freewill, it's only a natural reaction. 

Although, option two (for me, of course) is the best, I decided to share what I learned.
For now, delaying life for long periods of time, and erasing "Death" and all of its synonyms from our dictionaries are currently dreams of scientists. And, until these dreams are achieved, we will always have war and never achieve "true peace."

That's really a cliff hanger, isn't it. You read through the entire post, just to arrive at (highlighted in purple) the lesson that I learned today. 

Lesson Learned. Catch you later blog bums!


Anonymous said...

I just learned a valuable lesson today. It's easy to get forced into reading others' blogs, after of course, being redirected from Facebook.

Anonymous said...

PEACE and NO WAR!!!! WAR and NO PEACE!!!! replace the "and" with "=" signs...That's what I learned today.

Anonymous said...

Long live the RED wire!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post.