Saturday, January 14, 2012

Goodbye Facebook, hello Google+

I hate Facebook! Enough said.

Or, maybe not...I wish Facebook would just keep it simple. Simplicity was it's initial marketing strategy. I liked it! Now it's slowly becoming the original myspace.

I used myspace for about a year before Facebook began to dominate. Now, I'm about to start using Google+, however, I need to convince at least 20-25 of my good pals to join me.

Why move to G+? Facebook glitches, ads have come to dominate the entire site (G+ probably will never have this problem ~ via ~ it's Google * the search engine*), there are so many Facebooks being hacked (via ~ tons of spam!), and G+ looks simple. It also offers users the option for multiple video chat --- For FREE. so...can someone say...IDK ~ Freaking SWEET! YES!

Lets all move to G+!

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